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Student life

 Student life is the first step towards a happy future. This is a golden opportunity that never comes back to life. 

It is God's most precious gift to man, which if someone wastes his entire life is destroyed. Student life begins in the childhood of man. In childhood, a man's mind is very restless, he does not have any disorder, but he can be misled by the chaotic people of the society.

That is why the student needs good education and a good teacher at this time. In ancient times, parents sent their children to gurukuls, where they were given good education by the guru, as well as children being disciplined and respecting elders. Gurus used to test their disciples in their ashram for many years and send them as scholars and mighty, but at present the Gurukul system has come to an end and they have been replaced by schools and colleges.

For students, school is the first step in this world. This work of student life is the best time to acquire knowledge because at this time students do not have any worries as well as their brain is eager to acquire knowledge completely. Human student life determines what kind of person he will become in the future, so students should always make good use of their time and always follow the path suggested by their teacher.

This is the time when a student is physically and mentally strong by working hard. At this time, a student who does not gain knowledge with his heart gradually lags behind his peers. And after some time he becomes a victim of many wrong deeds because of this backwardness, which makes his whole future fourfold.

At present, it is man who has created such misleading objects as mobiles, computers, televisions and other types of misleading objects that attract the student. Many students have lost their future, but the future of a student who takes them all as a challenge is the future. In this golden age, the student should read according to his teacher's guidelines, heed the suggestions suggested by his parents, respect his elders. At the same time, you should treat your colleagues well and never lie to anyone because once he lies, he lies all his life, so his whole future may be in jeopardy.

A student who is currently engaged only in fun and vain activities has a good student life in the shelter of his parents, but when he is confronted with the reality of his life, such a student considers himself unfit. If a man has to succeed in life, he needs to be proficient in some field or the other, and man can be proficient only if he gets a good education in student life. At present, even qualified people face a lot of difficulties in running their lives, so those who are unfit cannot do anything in this competitive world.

Some students work hard at the moment, but only when there is a little difficulty, they stop practicing, so that they are not good for the future. Student life means that they should constantly move towards their goal and overcome difficulties as challenges. At this time, there is so much enthusiasm in age that he can do the most difficult tasks in a jiffy. At this time, he has a guru who helps him solve the difficulties in the path of success. After student life, the burden of a variety of domestic and social problems falls on man, then he cannot get education even if he wants to and cannot build a good future.

That is why a student should stay away from all mind-wandering objects and curiosity that a student who works hard at this time spends the rest of his life in happiness and happiness. In fact, student life is another name for rigorous discipline, hard work and etiquette, just as gold becomes a more valuable kundan by doing penance in fire, so the hard work, discipline done in student life is what gives the student prestige and respect in the world. This builds the future ahead because the student earns money from what he has learnt to date and raises his family.



Deepak Sharma

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering Department

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