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PiMo- eBike

            Pi Beam, is incubated by IIT Madras, an emerging company. Pi Beam recently launched an electric two-wheeler named "PiMO". Alumni of IIT Madras, Visakh Sasikumar found e-Bike, PiMo.

 PiMo is a vehicle which stands between an electric bicycle and entry-level electric scooter. PiMo works on "Battery Swapping" Technology with which a drained battery can be exchanged for a fully charged battery at designated locations. PiMo has a top speed of 25 kmph. Due to its dual suspension at the rear and ergonomically designed seats, it can cover higher distance compared to electric bicycle scooter. It has localized components like controllers and lithium-ion battery.

            The price of e-Bike PiMo is Rs. 30,000. PiMo is used for personal and commercial use. The maximum range that is covered by PiMo is 50 Km. It's is designed for people of all ages. It can good performance on both rural and urban geographies. There is no need of any license or any registration for e-Bike, PiMo. The electric two-wheeler PiMo that can charge faster than a Smartphone.  It offers easy, stylish, affordable and green mobility on Indian roads. It is sustainable and affordable bicycle. It is being positioned as an upgrade from conventional pedal bicycles. It is cost-effective and easy to use due to its basic structured model of the vehicle for short-distance commuting. The components of PiMo, including controllers and crucial batteries, are manufactured in India, which will help to build up the  local market to thoroughly embody the ‘Make in India’ spirit.

            The school and college going students will find that PiMo is an upgrade from pedalled bicycle. 100 customers have booked electric bicycles.


Mr. Pardeep

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