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Women leaders enabling change Management


Consistently adapt to maintain health and hygiene and build our immunity. Did you know that back in 1987, March was chosen as Women's History Month to celebrate the contributions of women and their impact in the world? 

In every domain, women leaders are leading from the front in change management initiatives. They have always been leading from the front, every time given the opportunity to do so.

Even In this challenging time, at every stage of our journey, women leaders have helped us in being much more stronger to adapt to consistently changing environments and maintaining our health and hygiene, building our immunity and coming out in flying colours in these challenging times.

When the world is fighting against Covid 19 today we see invariably women medical staff have led from the front. They have come forward across the globe extending services in the form of Doctors – Nurses and caretakers. It is very important to note that in this fight against covid 19 it was the majority of women caretakers across the globe who have come forward to save the lives of millions of people.

After the world was stuck with a financial crisis in 2009- 2010 when CFO were saviors for companies. It’s now in 2019 -2020 the world is still trying to recover from covid 19 which has stuck the world, where the entire working culture style has to get re-engineered. We all need to adapt to the new ways of living and working. The new normal so to say, it’s really impressive that even in this drive it was CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) and HR leaders who have saved the world and corporate in many ways and again over 75% of CHRO are women who are best equipped to help us build – Agility while being empathetic to people.

In every domain, women leaders are taking charge in some of the top organizations and impacting people and taking organizations to new heights. Even in HR, women leaders are playing a great role in shaping HR’s evolution from being a primarily administrative function to becoming a central strategic function.

Not only are the CHRO helping the world get back to work and helping us recover from these challenging times, there are many other powerful women leaders who are leading from the front in change management. Today India has its First Woman Combat Jet Pilot Flight Lieutenant Bhawana Kanth who is ready to fly setting an example for many.

Hence it would be fair to conclude that women are the creators of humanity and would lead to build agility and resilience being empathetic enabling change management.


Sourabh Mittal

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Geeta Engineering College , Panipat

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