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How to overcome Exam Fear


How to overcome Exam Fear

Fear of exams is a common problem among students of all ages. Students are either nervous or nervous when the tests are approaching. Students are often under a lot of stress during the exam and fear of failure is always present in their minds. The pressure of tests can have a detrimental effect on students' health and learning performance. To avoid this, students should try and stay calm. Parents and teachers can help students overcome their fears and fears and prepare well for their tests. Listed below are some tips that can help overcome fear of testing:

• Start reviewing early: Students who give themselves enough time for a full review will write their exams well, feel more confident, and thus keep the anxiety of the exam and the fears eased. If students start their review early, it will help them to understand and remember better. If students begin preparing well before the exam, they can concentrate on all the topics. Reviews should not be left at the last minute.

• Avoid reading too much: Exercise time does not mean getting up all night. Students often read all night long without resting. This is not recommended, as they will not be able to concentrate well while writing their exams. Students should get enough rest at night and in the afternoon as it will provide relaxation for their mind and eyes. Getting enough sleep will help students relax, concentrate and concentrate better. Getting enough sleep for at least seven to eight hours a night is essential for students to cope with the stress of exams

Eat a healthy diet: Often, during exams, students ignore their eating habits. Students use mixed and unhealthy foods, or caffeinated beverages. This can make them feel drowsy and lazy. Also, it will have a negative impact on their academic performance. Instead, they should eat healthy and nutritious food. These include eggs, dairy products, chicken, fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Healthy foods for the brain like walnuts and fish can also help.

• Avoid comparisons: Students often have a tendency to compare themselves with others. They often ask about their friend's progress, level of preparation and calculation of their study hours. This can be avoided as it can lead to depression and anxiety. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life and use your time wisely.

• Maintain a positive outlook: Hope is essential for all aspects of life. Throughout the testing period, it is important to maintain a positive attitude. Students should be confident and believe that they will do well in the exam. Exercise and breathing can help students stay positive.

Author Vikas Nandal 

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