Post COVID-19 Scenario in Education
If this lockdown lasts long or children's schools remain closed for a long time (which is very possible), the facility of giving text material and examinations to children in a decentralized manner on the lines of national open school should be provided so that their year is not wasted.
At such times, their curriculum should be linked to more useful work on the lines of new training and the text material should be prepared on the basis of that. This year, there should also be some flexibility in the calculation.
There should be provision of special teachers and teachers for students with special needs as well as necessary reading material.
Registration of migrant labourers must be done and education of their children should be ensured. Flexibility in the necessary papers and time frame for enrolment should be maintained in this session. Boards of different States should also cooperate if required to facilitate the families of a large number of migrant labourers who are returning.
In corona times, our weaknesses and weaknesses in education, health and other infrastructure are coming to the fore. This is an opportunity to bring back the question of right to education and health. Remember the face of the weakest and most exploited man in our society in your pocket, only then will it be a meaningful effort and India will be able to do justice to its Constitution and its existence.
The cry of the corona is beginning to be heard again. The figures coming from States like Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat are a matter of concern. The fear of lockdown is spreading to the public. The biggest concern is schools. It has been more than 1 year since schools across the country were closed, which were planning to open and open, where corona infection has created panic. Obviously, the Government should also think about the education and mental development of children studying online in their homes and think about creating a new alternative system.
On March 24, 2020, the first lockdown was announced in India due to corona. Meanwhile, corona not only emerged as a global epidemic but also exposed its economic and social aspects. During the lockdown, the hidden cracks of inequality emerged as deeper.
One of the big questions that are missing in this entire discussion is the question of right to education and education. It is a matter of thinking about the nature of children's education after corona and corona.
According to the 2016-17 report of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, 11.3 crore children (65%) of India's school going children Even today, they take their education in public schools.
Barring a few rare exceptions, even today, students studying in these schools come from families that have been left behind at the economic and social level. Corona's influence on these families will determine the direction of their children's education.
The parents of children studying in public schools are mostly working in the unorganized sector on a daily wage, farming or small scale.Corona will affect their employment and income. A large section that returns to their villages from cities will increase the chances of children dropping out.
Due to serious impact on the economic condition of families when the lockdown opens, children will be seen as sources of income, priority will be given to their education, and drop-out numbers will increase. It is also less likely to give preference to girls' education and their health than boys.
At present, there will also be a difference between the safety of adolescent girls inside the homes and their reproductive health. According to grassroots institutions, the number of domestic and sexual violence against women and adolescent girls has also increased during the lockdown and reproductive health is still a matter of whispering in homes.
There is a big question mark on the education of children with special needs. While, on the one hand, they face a large-scale boycott in the society and most of their education is done by special teachers at a very private level, their education is marginalized.
Another section of India which is not visible in the papers is migrant labourers, who are still victims of the inaction of contractors and the political class.In a situation where a large section of the country cannot get education through digital means, it should not be considered as the only solution.
If the digital medium becomes the only medium, a very large section will not be able to use it. A large scale exercise should be conducted on its availability and training in which its infrastructure should be established and brought under the category of authority.
Mid-day meal is an available system through which rations, sanitary napkins for girls, essential nutrition medicines should be made available to the beneficiary families.
If the children are not able to reach the school, the school reaches the children. It requires a decentralized look at education.
At the level of street, street, panchayat, village, like mid-day meal ration, text material should be delivered to children at regular intervals. In this, small sessions should be conducted in a decentralized manner following the rules of distance of the body. Social organizations can also be linked to the campaign.
If this lockdown lasts long or children's schools remain closed for a long time (which is very possible), the facility of giving text material and examinations to children in a decentralized manner on the lines of national open school should be provided so that their year is not wasted.
At such times, their curriculum should be linked to more useful work on the lines of new training and the text material should be prepared on the basis of that. This year, there should also be some flexibility in the calculation.There should be provision of special teachers and teachers for students with special needs as well as necessary reading material.
In corona times, our weaknesses and weaknesses in education, health and other infrastructure are coming to the fore. This is an opportunity to bring back the question of right to education and health. And when we set the draft, remember Gandhi's talistm.
Remember the face of the weakest and most exploited man in our society in your pocket, only then will it be a meaningful effort and India will be able to do justice to its Constitution and its existence.
Author Dr. Amit Gupta