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Indian Dowry System and its Downfall


Indian Dowry System and its Downfall

There are not many wedding websites that will address this issue, but we need to understand the nature of the creative plan and its current negative state. At the time of the wedding, the Indian bride family is expected to ‘voluntarily’ give the Indian groom and his family money, gold, a car and other tangible goods such as dowry.

The Dowry system has not always been a problem in our society. In ancient times, since girls were not allowed to inherit land, property or cattle, they were given gifts of gold ornaments, clothes, utensils, etc., during the wedding. Clothes and accessories to help her set up her new home. Gold ornaments served as a safety net in times of financial crisis. These things always belonged to him; she has never been wanted by her husband or her family. In most cases, the bridegroom's bride is given to his bride. If he changed his mind, he had the right to keep those gifts to himself.

It was not until 1035 A.D. that one discovered the reference to the Indian bride's family giving gifts to the Indian bridegroom. Usually the well-to-do families of the bridegroom brought gifts; low-income families could not, however, have never come in the way of the real purpose of marriage.

Over time, the practice has deteriorated to the point where it has become a social phenomenon, rooted in all the distances and religions of India.

Reasons why this evil is so prevalent in our society:

1) Women's Inferiority - No matter how well-qualified, educated, and financially independent a girl is, in our patriarchal society she holds a lower status than man. The Indian bride and her family are expected to console the Indian bride and her family to accept this high position.

2) Greed - The family of an Indian groom sees their son a lucky ticket. The Indian bride family is expected to compensate the groom's family for the ‘cost’ and ‘effort’ of raising a worthy son.

3) Social Pressure - Marriage as an institution is kept sacred by the Indians. Divorce is a problem and to see a girl go back to her parents' home is a disgrace. Knowing this, the Indian bridegroom and his family believe that they are free to abuse the Indian bride and her family in order to get more lobola, which leads to torture and even death.

4) Lack of compliance - There are laws to protect the Indian bride and make dowry an offence, but lack of adequate education, social pressure, etc. Prevents the bride's family from taking legal action.

The Dowry system is the main reason why Indian families prefer to have sons; there is an increase in infanticide among women, suicide among women to escape abuse at the hands of in-laws and shame at the hands of her family.

To end this evil, women must be educated, financially independent, able to manage their finances, and allowed to inherit their father's estate. There should be no embarrassment associated with late marriage, singleness, or even divorce. Women and their families must be informed of the various protection laws (Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, Section 304B of the Indian Penal Code, Section 302 of the IPC, Section 498A of the IPC, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005).


Author   Jitender kumar

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